General Description of Duties of Board Positions
Women's+ Division Commissioner Nominations may be made by members in good standing of the RCSA Open Division Nominees must be a member in good standing of the RCSA Open Division |
- Preside over all meetings of their division's commission
- Coordinate and direct the activities of their respective division
- Direct the policies of the League, and perform the duties as may be necessary for the proper and efficient conduct of the League
- Oversee the timely development of the
Projected Annual Budget; the regular and timely communication of their division's Commission minutes, and the delivery of the Joint Executive Committee's Annual Report to the Commission.
- Appoint chairpersons to divisional committees.
- Enforce all rules of the League as they pertain to their division.
- Act on behalf of their division in any matter of emergency that is not covered in RCSA Bylaws or Division Rules of Play
- Shall serve as President of the corporation during applicable years.
- Be responsible for NAGAAA representation and correspondence, or delegate a
Open Division Assistant Commissioner Nominations may be made by members in good standing of the RCSA Women's+ Division Nominees must be a member in good standing of the RCSA Women's+ Division |
- Assist the Commissioner in the execution of their stated responsibilities
- Assist other League Officers and Committees when requested to do so by their Commissioner
- Represent their respective division at individual and joint meetings of Commission, and at Joint Executive Committee meetings
- Represent the League and their respective division at division-sponsored, League- sponsored, and non-League events as may be requested by their Commissioners from time to time
- Assume duties of Commissioner in the event the office of Commissioner becomes prematurely vacant, until said position is filled
Open Division Secretary Nominations may be made by members in good standing of the RCSA Women's+ Division Nominees must be a member in good standing of the RCSA Women's+ Division |
- Maintain the official copies of the Bylaws, League Rules and related documents of the division, the League, NAGAAA, and ASANA.
- Record and maintain all division meeting minutes, including those of the Joint Executive Committee and any Joint Commissions.
- Give due notice of all League events and deadline dates to all division Commission Members.
- Maintain a roster of all member teams, their representatives, and current contact information.
- Be responsible for intra- and inter-League correspondence.
- Shall serve as Secretary of the corporation during applicable years.
Joint Committee Member-at-Large for Women's+ Division Nominations may be made by members in good standing of the RCSA Open Division Nominees must be a member in good standing of the RCSA Open Division |
- Preside over meetings of the Joint Executive Committee, Joint Commission Meetings, and the
Annual Meeting.
- Represent the interests of the League as a unified body, with an emphasis on supporting the
objectives of the League and ensuring the ongoing viability, vitality, and perpetuity of the League.
- Vote on matters before the Joint Executive Committee with the interests of the At-Large
membership of the League in mind.